Rey On The Internet: First of a Series

Rey Don'tsay, C7's Saturday Guy, is away from Blogger while he deals with an ongoing medical situation. For the next few weeks, we have some guest bloggers lined up. Today is one of the days in which Rey will serve as his own sub. 

Readers of Rey's posts probably don't know much about him except that he has a gift for both introspection and dark humor, and that he feels strongly that the mad scientists of medicine are trying to kill him off. Considering his life experiences, I understand his viewpoint. I also know Rey has the strength and smarts enough for a week's worth of Guys, not just for Saturdays. 

First, Rey's name: It means "King" in Spanish. Rey's a veteran, and while he was in the military, the non-Spanish-speaking officers made a hash of "Refugio." Rey thought it was funny to get those in command to call him a king. 

Rey's gay, and has a long-time partner, Mark. They have cats. Oh, and family and friends. Those too. 

As readers know from his posts, Rey tells the world what's happening with him with wry observation. This has always been true, even before the medical nightmare began. I remember, a few years ago, that he said he felt a little unwell after his birthday and thought the sandwich he'd eaten might have given him food poisoning. He had no idea at the time that he was in fact terribly ill and that he'd go from being able-bodied to using a wheelchair and needing health aides to get through a normal week. Worse, a lot of the damage was caused by physician error. Rey spent about a year (if I am remembering right) being mad. And who wouldn't be furious?

I'm not saying Rey's not still mad -- he is -- but in recent years I've seen him endure some nearly-unendurable things, and then have a good moment in life later that day -- or later that week anyway. He'll take art shots with his phone, for instance. He spends hours waiting for the van to take him to and from the VA, and then hours more in the VA medical center waiting rooms. Sometimes he posts photos he took of what he was looking at. I like that he shares these moments with me, and with everyone. And I love him, as an intelligent, kind, sweet human. 

More of Ray's online moments in future C7 posts. 


  1. Wow. This Rey guy is amazingly good-looking. I wonder if he's single yet?

    Hee Hee. Thanks Garbo. You did a great job.


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