Things I've Done Instead of Writing: A List -- Garbo

Unrealistically planned prequels, sequels, and side-branching projects based on the nine manuscript pages I actually had. 

Searched the entire house for my glasses, keys, and/or wallet.

Pored over three different poorly-labeled drafts of the same story, having lost track of which one is the latest version. 

Participated in the ongoing household debate about which of us the cat likes better. 

Mused darkly, while reading a not-very-good story, about why Such & So magazine bought this junk instead of the excellent tale I'd submitted. 

Repeatedly petitioned some publication for the $22.91 it had owed me since 2015. 

Watched pretend TV zombies pursue, grab, and eat actors. Or silicone reproductions of parts of actors. 

Repaired the storm door closer rod, bent during an overnight windstorm. 

Read lots of very interesting things as "research," some of them rather, um, tangentially connected to anything pertaining to my plot or characters. 

Rebooted my PC three times, updated software after the system demanded I do it, ran antivirus programs, backed up the hard drive, said very angry things to the computer about its behavior. 

Mowed grass, cut down weeds, shoveled snow, washed pots and pans, hung wet clothes on the clothesline, worried about what the carrots weren't doing well. 

Drunk a third Anericano while waiting for some other writerly type to remember we were supposed to meet this morning to exchange critiaue. Unless it was me that had the wrong Starbuck's. . .

Future post: 

Things I've Done While Also Writing, 

             - and (as a bonus) -

Things I Have Done So I Could Write


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