Show the week in picture form... ~Oldgirl

Heralding Spring Break

Take a look at this fine rooster across from school on the day before Spring Break... across the road was a mother hen with 4 chicks.  One thing I enjoy each weekday is the rooster song as I approach my school building.  The lovely early morning sightings of poultry families, coyotes crossing the foggy field where donkeys and mules frolic in the afternoon... and strangely enough, this week,  a wild turkey flying low across my windshield. I had to ask a coworker if I was correct, but yes, there are wild turkeys in Florida, sharing airspace with the blue herons and rosy spoonbills.

The last week of school before spring break is desperate. Any gains you hope to see are being measured, and the workload is intense for students and teachers. "My classroom "Sonic" tests very well but does very little work"...I am forced to document this. I enter SSP's  (student success plans), grade papers, find time for "ants" to write little notes to the students who were kind enough to leave crackers in their cubbies.

The daily grind is over for 1 week.
I am traveling over Spring Break, feeling like a worn out beast.


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