Some Humorous and Some Unusual Postcards--by Bryan F.

Postcards were a way to send a quick note while traveling. I haven’t traveled in some years due to budgetary restraints, so I don’t know whether you can still pick up a postcard in those touristy parts of those popular travel destinations.  In this new electronic world, we find ourselves, I fear postcards may no longer be of much interest.

Most often postcards were sent from a travel destination to update the friends and folks back home. “Having a marvelous time wish you were here.” “Paris at night is not to be believed. You and George must plan a trip next year.” 
Just a quick note and an obligatory one at that. Not sending a note or postcard was at one time considered rude behavior while traveling. Of course, once home the slides of the trip that were brought out after dinner was your excruciating payment for the postcard received.

Not all postcards are travel-oriented though. Some of my favorites are humorous and unusual themes. 

They are sometimes a cultural record of the time in which they were created and shared. I fear that texting and direct messaging may eliminate the record that these old cards created for their time in space.

Here are some from my collection. None are copied from the internet. I own each and every one. Some were received by family members and saved all these years. Some I collected online and some, including a very large European collection with early 20th century postmarks, were given to me by friends and family. 
I hope you’ll love them as much as I do.
