Florida, Oddly Enough

Gray rainy days bring out the frog song. It rained all last night and I drifted off to the sound of raindrops on the metal roof and the rotating choruses of frog lullaby. There are a few species, each with distinct vocalizations. It's been raining all morning and, thankfully, it is the beginning of lower evening temperatures, which help immensely in these parts. Sure, we will still be hitting the mid-nineties in the daytime, but we are moving toward the kind of weather people flock here for.  I was made for fog and cool gray day. I'm most content on days such as this. I do not mind getting wet and love the colors of green against the gray sky. Having a water Sun and water rising and with plenty of fire is why I think; I'm already miserably warm and humid by constitution. I will never forget landing in Seattle in 1973, getting off the plane, and breathing in that glorious cool damp cool air. I felt more alive than I ever had and I was just 14. Today's post will be a medley of songs and images celebrating the loveliness of gray cool wet weather:

And best of all, it's a perfect day to curl up with a good book, a good movie, a cup of tea... or all three.

~ Oldgirl
Images: El Greco's View of Toledo, Sendak from Outside Over There, Grosz's The Wanderer
